Monday, September 15, 2008

Quiz 1: Rate of Change

Each question was worth 4 points and scored as follows:

  • 4 pts : (Complete Understanding) A correct solution and an appropriate stategy were shown and explained.

  • 3 pts : (Nearly Complete Understanding) A complete, appriopriate strategy is shown or explained but an incorrect solution is given due to a simple computational error - or - no solution is given - or - a correct solution is given with no strategy or explanation.

  • 2 pts : (Understanding of Some of the Outcome/Concept) Some parts of an appropriate strategy are shown or explained, but some key elements are missing - or - some parts of the strategy is inappropriate - or - strategy was implemented incorrectly.

  • 1 pt : (Very Little Understanding of the Outcome/Concept) Some work or explanation beyond re-copying data, but work would not lead to a correct solution.

  • 0 pts : (No Evidence of Understanding of the Outcome/Concept) No work or solution shown or explained - or - some data from the problem is copied over but no evidence of any strategy is shown or explained.

The grading scale for Quiz 1 is:

  • A : 14 - 16

  • B : 12 - 13

  • C : 8 - 11

  • D : 6 - 7

I record Big Dog problems in my grade book, but those problems do not count for extra points on the quiz. Instead, they will be used as evidence that you understand a particular outcome/concept. They will also be used at the end of the semester. If your grade is on the border of the next higher grade, Big Dog problems can boost your score up to the higher grade.

The Answers to Quiz 1 Big Dogs are:

  1. 21 m

  2. .114 m/s

  3. Anything between 7.5 - 15 secs

  4. .75

  5. y = (5/6)x + (10/3)

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