Thursday, October 2, 2008

Quiz 3

Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns about Quiz 3?

Quiz Friday. Topics include all of the outcomes we have covered so far...Rate of Change, Slope and Linear Equations, and Derivatives/Instantaneous Rate of Change.
  • Can you calculate the slope of a line?
  • Can you find an equation of a line given two points that the line passes through?
  • Can you find the slope of different secant lines of a curve/graph?
  • Can you find the average rate of change given a scenario/table/graph/equation?
  • Can you find the approximate instantaneous rate of change given a scenario/table/graph/equation?
  • Can you find the derivative of an equation at a specific point on a curve?
  • Can you draw a tangent line at a specific point on a curve?

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